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Africa Safari

Photography Workshop - Africa

Here is your chance to join me for a thrilling wildlife photography workshop in Africa's Tanzania in August 2024. The trip will give you an opportunity to view and photograph the African BIG Cats, the Great Wildebeest migration across the Mara River, and many more African wildlife.

You need not be an expert in Wildlife photography, but your interest and patience will be the key. You do need your own photography gears for the trip. Help with shooting and post processing will be provided on the field.

The Tentative Itinerary: 15 Days

-Day 1
Arrive JRO and overnight at River trees.

-Day 2
Full day Arusha national park overnight at Rivertrees

-Day 3 & 4
Drive to Tarangire national park for 2 days
Accommodations at Tarangire Honeyguide camp
-Day 5
Drive to the crater via Lake Manyara national park
Overnight at Ngorongoro Lions paw

-Day 6&7
Drive to Ndutu lodge

-Day 8-10
Drive to Serengeti national park for 3 nights at Serengeti Sametu camp

-Day 11- 14
Drive to Northern Serengeti near Mara river for 4 nights at Mara River camp

-Day 15

Fly back to Arusha for a day room and evening transfer back to JRO

Available Spot: 3/4

Cost: I'll get a quote by February 2024. 

For more information: Contact ME  to reserve your spot. No payment require until I get a quote from the safari operator in February 2024.

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