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Birds By Names - Waterbirds

These are the birds that lives in or around water, their primary source of food is fish. The identification are based on my best effort basis. Prints or digital copy of these photo are available from the active link in the page.

Description Photo
Common Name: American Avocets
Scientific Name:Recurvirostra americana
Photo Shoot Location: Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Great Egret
Scientific Name:Ardea alba
Photo Shoot Location: Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Snowy Egret
Scientific Name: Egretta thula
Photo Shoot Location: Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Great Blue Heron Wall Art
Scientific Name: Ardea herodias
Photo Shoot Location: Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Black-crowned Night Heron Sell Art Online
Scientific Name: Nycticorax nycticorax
Photo Shoot Location: Palo Alto, California, USA
Common Name: The Chinese Pond Heron Art Prints
Scientific Name: Ardeola bacchus
Photo Shoot Location: Barisal, Bangladesh
Common Name: American Bittern Buy Art Online
Scientific Name: Botaurus lentiginosus
Photo Shoot Location: Merced National Wildlife Refuge, California, USA
Common Name: Green Heron Canvas Art
Scientific Name: Butorides virescens
Photo Shoot Location: Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: White-faced Ibis Canvas Art
Scientific Name: Plegadis chihi
Photo Shoot Location: Merced NWR, California, USA
Common Name: Double-crested Cormorant Art Prints
Scientific Name: Phalacrocorax auritus
Photo Shoot Location: Bay Trail, Palo Alto, California, USA
Common Name: Black Skimmers Canvas Art
Scientific Name: Rynchops niger
Photo Shoot Location: Bay Trail, Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Forester's Tern Canvas Art
Scientific Name: Sterna forsteri
Photo Shoot Location: Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Common Tern Art Prints
Scientific Name: Sterna hirundo
Photo Shoot Location: Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: A Long-billed Curlew Art Prints
Scientific Name: Numenius americanus
Photo Shoot Location: Moss Landing Beach, California, USA
Common Name: Eurasian whimbrel Sell Art Online
Scientific Name: Numenius phaeopus
Photo Shoot Location: Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Least Sandpiper Art Prints
Scientific Name: Calidris minutilla
Photo Shoot Location: Bay Trail, Palo Alto, California, USA
Common Name: American White Pelican Art Prints
Scientific Name: Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Photo Shoot Location: Bay Trail, Palo Alto, California, USA
Common Name: California Brown Pelican Canvas Art
Scientific Name: Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Photo Shoot Location: Moss Landing Beach, California, USA
Common Name: The greater white-fronted goose
Scientific Name: Anser albifrons
Photo Shoot Location: Sacramento NWR, California, USA
Common Name: The White Pekin
Scientific Name: Anas platyrhynchos domesticus
Photo Shoot Location: Camden Pond, Los Gatos, California, USA
Common Name: American Coot Buy Art Online
Scientific Name: Fulica americana
Photo Shoot Location: Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Canada Goose Art Prints
Scientific Name: Branta canadensis
Photo Shoot Location: Bay Trail, Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Ruddy Duck
Scientific Name: Oxyura jamaicensis
Photo Shoot Location: Bay Trail, Palo Alto, California, USA
Common Name: Canvasback Duck Art Prints
Scientific Name: Aythya valisineria
Photo Shoot Location: Bay Trail, Palo Alto, California, USA
Common Name: Mallard Duck Buy Art Online
Scientific Name: Anas platyrhynchos
Photo Shoot Location: Bay Trail, Palo Alto, California, USA
Common Name: Cinnamon Teal Buy Art Online
Scientific Name: Anas cyanoptera
Photo Shoot Location: Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California, USA
Common Name: Snow Geese Buy Art Online
Scientific Name: Anser caerulescens
Photo Shoot Location: Sacramento NWR, California, USA

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